A First-Timer’s Guide to Essence Music Festival

Domestic Destinations

  1. Ursula Nelson says:

    As a second timer at Essence Music Fest, I can attest and agree to ALL of this. Well said Carla. This will definitely help all 1st, 2nd, 3rd and well……”any timers” with their experience with New Orleans!

  2. Keosha says:

    This is my first time going to the Essence Festival your blog was very insightful. Thank you.

  3. Beverly says:

    Thanks for the great tips. Did you go to any of the day parties?

    • Carla says:

      Beverly I apologize for my late response! No we focused on the Convention Center and didn’t purchase tickets for day parties. I will check them out whenever we go back!

  4. Michelle says:

    This is perfect! Thank you so much…. I was wondering about shoes and walking.

    Thank you so much….

  5. Jamar says:

    This information was more helpful than the essence festival website

    • Carla says:

      Thank you Jamar, I’m glad you found the information useful!

      • Jamar says:

        The free events listed as “speakers” on the their website; are they really speakers or singing too. Their website has alot of speakers who are in fact singers.

    • Jamar says:

      Also, can you please tell me how the tickets work? if I buy tickets can I attend unlimited concerts throughout the day or do I have to purchase separate tickets for each artist? In addition, the free events listed as “speakers” on the their website; are these really speakers or singing too. Their website has alot of speakers who are in fact singers.

      • Carla says:

        Tickets to the nightly concerts give you access to the headliners and all of super lounges, which are all contained within the Superdome beginning at 7 pm nightly. Your ticket gives you access to every act listed that night but, as I mentioned, sometimes you run into a conflict and have to decide who to see. All 4 superlounges have artists performing every night, and that’s in addition to the headliner performing on the main stage. There’s a lot happening at once.

        Usually if a singer is listed as a speaker, then they’re only slated to appear on a panel to discuss a topic. There are popup concerts that occur during the expo but they aren’t advertised. They weren’t last year, anyway.

        I hope that helps!

  6. Rachael says:

    Thanks for this blog post. I plan to go in 2017.

  7. Belinda johnson says:

    Are the speakers days and times listed
    Are there any hair demos

    • Carla says:

      Hi Belinda, you might want to check out Essence’s website (www.essence.com/festival-2017) for up to date information. My post is a few years old. I don’t recall seeing hair demos at Essence

  8. Joche' Heard says:

    This was extremely helpful. I am thinking of going in 2018 after seeing Girls Trip. And was specifically looking for the best hotel to book, based on the location.

    • Carla says:

      I’m so glad you found it helpful! I can imagine that Essence is going to have a huge influx of visitors after Girls’ Trip (which I’ve seen twice, btw). It’s a great depiction of what Essence weekend looks like!

  9. MizKiyah says:

    Hi, two years later and your blog is still strong “Thank You”. Hope you can help, looks like all the hotels near the Superdome are booked or too dang expensive, do you recommend staying a few miles away? You mentioned about how hard it was to find taxi’s and such so was just wondering, and I might be doing this solo. Any help is very much appreciated.

    • Carla says:

      Omg why am I just replying to this! I hope you were able to find a hotel that worked for you. I’d say with Uber and Lyft available (they weren’t a thing when I went 4 years ago), staying a little further away shouldn’t be too bad. I’d also suggest calling the hotels directly – we found that some had special “Essence” rates that were not advertised.

  10. KD says:

    This blog post is still doing numbers. I think it speaks volumes on just how little planning information there was on the official essence festival website. I came across your blog post when I planned my first trip in 2016 and it was so helpful. Essence did seem to somewhat catch a hint because their website for 2018 is much improved.

    The lack of information for a festival that draws over 450,000 people annually made me build a website dedicated to Essence Festival Planning/Event updates at efweekend.com. I would love your opinion on the website.


    • Carla says:

      Hi KD I just saw your comment TODAY! Lol! Thank you for your feedback, I’m so happy I was able to be of assistance. I will absolutely check out your site. It’s amazing how little information existed up to now. I’m hoping to go back in 2019 for the 25th Anniversary Festival. 🙂

  11. Nikki says:

    Hi I am interested in going to this event this year or maybe next year. Was wondering how early I should purchase my flight and hotel?

  12. Destiny says:

    Wow! What a great review. It will be very helpful for my friends and I this year. It is our first year attending and we would have been completely LOST without your review.

  13. Lisa says:

    Your review is all we needed! This is our first trip to Essence and your detailed description has helped tremendously. Thank you!

  14. This is so helpful! I am trying to make plans to go this year. Do you know if tickets to the nightly concert gets you into the day time activities or is that separate? Also, I heard that there are 1, 2 and 3 day packages. Is this true?

    • Carli_B says:

      I’m so glad I could help!

      The concert tickets are only for the concerts. The daytime convention events are free of charge, though. You’ll pay separately for day parties and events like that.

      Yes you can buy concert tickets based on the number of nights you plan to attend. That way you don’t have to attend shows that don’t interest you.

      Have fun!

  15. Chloe says:

    This is very helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am taking my 26 year old niece for graduation and we are so excited. This really helped a lot and have given me much insight on how to get the best out of our time in NOLA.

  16. Tiffany says:

    This was a great, candid article. With Tip #1 & 9, not only will you have more time to explore the city, but usually the flights are cheaper when you’re booking on days that people aren’t really traveling to & from the event. I’ve been to Essence a few times (pre- & post-Katrina) and it was great. I am attending this year and I also agree that because of the movie Girls Trip, they’ll probably be more people this year. If people can’t get tickets to the concerts, there’s always other events going on. Not to mention parties & bar hopping in the French Quarters 😉

    • Carla says:

      I’m very late on this reply, so I hoped you enjoyed your trip to Essence this year Tiffany! Thank you for the additional tips and information – you’re right, there is always something going on

  17. Pernisha G. says:

    Thank you for this!

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